Alvarion Series

Alvarion is a worldwide leader in Broadband Wireless Access (BWA) Point to Point (PTP) and Point-to-Multipoint (PMP.) Alvarion offers premier wireless broadband solutions for access in the last mile, backhauling connection to the backbone and private network connectivity.

BreezeAccess Products.pdf

Alvarion Series

With exceptional network capacity and covarage, classes of service option, carrier class equipment, and network management software, Alvarion's BreezeACCESS and WALKair products provide the industry with premier solutions for:

- Cellular operators, CLEC, ILEC.

Service Providers
- ISP, ASP, local telcos.

Homeland Security
- Police & Fire Departments, Emergency Medical Services (EMS) and military/government installations.

- Campuses, municipalities, transportation, healthcare, facilities, warehouses.

Alvarion Bands